8 Tips on Choosing a Social Media Agency

8 Tips on Choosing a Social Media Agency


1. Handling social media in-house is still an investment.

If you appoint someone internally, ensure that you are realistic in both what you expect them to achieve and in how long it will take. Make sure the person knows how to engage, create and implement strategies because that is the key to getting results. If you’re planning on investing only an hour or two on your social presence, your results will reflect that.

2. Don’t be afraid to outsource social.

Competent digital agencies have the extensive professional backgrounds of working with clients across multiple sectors. They are also up to date on the latest social media strategies that get results.

3. Limit potential social fallout.

Limit access to the corporate social media accounts and ensure that login information is centrally held by a senior manager; as in the case of the recent McDonald’s rogue political Tweeter, you need a fail-safe.

4. It’s social media, not a sales channel.

Don’t make your activities all about selling. Sure, people love a great sales promotion but with GOOD social media posts, they’ll be happy hear news from you. Your social media person should be able to engage and bring them to the sales department to get closer to complete the social media cycle.

5. Your voice.

The person should know your business and who you are posting for; your audience. The right tone can perk up more ears which leads to more likes and follows and more importantly, the chance to engage with more people.

6. Set social guidelines.

Consider implementing a social policy or provide guidelines for your social media person to follow so they understand all communications need to fit your brand and work to achieve business objectives. 

7. Keep it consistent.

If you use Bitly to shorten your URLs then use it all the time. Using different tools and styles of communication leads to your activities appearing haphazard and should be avoided. Make sure your person keeps things on an even keel on all your social media platforms. You know, keep the themes tied together.

8. Be realistic.

Each person will have a different plan. But if that person is good and knows a strong foundation includes a blog strategy, too, then you’re in great hands. Just having a social media account or two doesn’t mean you have a presence out there, you just have accounts you hope people will see.

ASMcommunicates.com knows the power of building an online community; engaging them, and helping to bring those on-line into your threads with the goal to convert them into customers. Our social media strategies and management are more affordable than you think. Contact us before April 15th and we’ll review your social media accounts for just $99.  Just mention you read it on our blog and this includes professional recommendations to optimize your efforts.

Email: Info@ASMcommunicates.com    

P: 609-752-4322

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